
Agik Idup Agik Ngelaban..

Haha,, tok baru lama dah adai update.. hahaha.. Don't why I wanted 2 open my blog 2day.. hahaha.. Well we donno what God plan for us.. hehehehe.. So live your life to the fullest.. Njoy while you can dont bother about people.. hahahahaha.. Chalo Betey.. 4th update of the year..


3rd time updated this blog..

Wah2.. didnt update this blog.. hahaha.. day goes by, life getting older.. hurrmm.. finish update my blog.. Thank you.. 8least I update my blog..


2nd Update of 2010 & the same day..

14/02/2010.. hahaha.. I'm kinda confused tonite.. hahaha sometime I got a mood swing after I had thinking of it..

Why sometime "some" of girls going crazy, nuts, loco, when they like "some" guys.. but the guys doesnt give any response to the girl..

But when a guy tried so hard to make the girl he likes to like him, but in the end the girl doesnt give a response or reject him..

(Arrggggggggghhhhhhhh.. It hard to explain like this...)

1st Update on 2010..

Hahaha.. wah long time oredy didnt update my blog.. hahaha but tonite on 14/02/2010 that is on Chinese New Year and Valentine Day, what a coquensidence (if that a correct spelling)... But there a story I wanted to share.. hahahaha.. today earlier in the morning around 9am me and my familia when visit-visiting(if that a word) my chinese family member.. It was great, got ang pou ma that why... hahaha.. Then this evening me and my best friends go out have a dinner.. hahaha.. Quite long oredy didnt go out with my best buddies.. hahahaha.. great day ever.. hahahahahaha.. (kenyang mai sehari tok.. mala makai ajak keja..).. Hope can do this kind of event again..



From now onward.. I'm out of here..


I'm Happy You Know Why?

Since last nice, I cannot stop smiling.. I feel so happy not bcoz something special happen to me..
But the other way around.. All my best friend already have "SOMEONE" special.. HAHAHAHa.. I'm so happy for them.. Dont how to described it.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Haaah.. I'm so happy for they happiness..

How about me???? Just listen to BLG new song on the new album.. LOVE DRUNK..
Listen to the song lyrics.. and I'm that lyrics..


Haha.. This is me..